In Memory of




Smith's Funeral Home
We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family.
2016-11-16 17:08:53
A small flame to find your way home, gentle warmth to match your heart.
2016-11-17 16:33:11
Thank you for your love respect and kindness. Thank you for your guidance support and encouragement. Thank you for teaching me so many lessons. I will always honor you for your internal strength. You earned your inner peace. Rest now in my cherished memories. We will be together again.
2016-11-17 10:37:16
My kind and loving brother, I will always keep you in my heart. Our shared memories are filled with meaning. Those years passed too fast, but you still taught me much about life without realizing it. Rest now in full comfort, you are safe inside my heart.
2016-11-17 09:50:54
Diane Chang
goodbye Steve, it's a too short time as your neighbors but thank you for being kind and nice. Rest in Peace.
2016-11-16 21:29:23