In Memory of






Condolence From: Vanessa Kurucz
Condolence: Ohhh Grace. Sincere condolences to the family. Having known and helped Grace for many years I will miss her and her sense if humour. We had many a laugh together and a glass of wine shared too. So glad I was able to see her one last time last week, it was a good day for her. Forever remembered. Rest in Peace dear Grace xx
Wednesday March 14, 2018
Condolence From: Brenda Stogren
Condolence: My prayers are with you at this difficult time. Grace was one of the nicest people I have ever met and she was a great nurse to me 45 years ago!
Tuesday March 13, 2018
Condolence From: Margie Reid
Condolence: Doug, Sherry, Don, Marisa and families...I am so, so saddened to hear about Gracie's passing. I have known and loved her my entire life and have so many wonderful memories of our family's friendships. I tried to call her every few months to say hello and was thinking yesterday morning of calling her and saw she had passed. I have so many wonderful memories of her that bring smiles to my face. She and mom were such good friends and she was so good to mom when she was ill. Now they are back together again probably creating havoc and catching up. Thinking of you during this sad time.
Tuesday March 13, 2018
Condolence From: Marianna Dunn
Condolence: Grace was the most wonderful person to have ever come into my life and her quick smile brightened every visit. She will be missed by many that had the great fortune of having her kindness touch their lives. She was truly an amazing lady. My deepest sympathies to the family at their time of loss.
Tuesday March 13, 2018
Condolence From: Beverly Martin Huntley
Condolence: Deepest sympathies to Mrs. Kilgallen’s family and friends. Mrs. Kilgallen was the nurse at West Lincoln when I had both my girls. I will always remember her kindness and understanding to a very nervous mom to be. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time. Beverly Martin Huntley
Monday March 12, 2018